A management consultant is somebody who advice to you to pick the blueberry muffin for dessert instead of the chocolate cake. Why?
- He likes blueberry more
- Last time chocolate was a bit dry, never tasted it again
And will charge you for the advice.
A managing consulting is somebody who will bake the blueberry (or the chocolate cake if you prefer that) that many times that are needed to create a result that you really like.
First, he is going to do it all on his own, you watch. Secondly, he will assist you while you prepare your favorite dessert. Later he will only check from time to time if there are possibilities to make the dessert even better. Why?
- He wants you to be able to bake your favorite dessert.
- He loves baking favorite desserts with and for others.
And will charge you for that. (Fully only if you like the result)
Neither of these two ways is the right or wrong one. It just depends on what you need. Advice or company on your journey. We also do both but strictly prefer to grow together with our clients. And we love cake!
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